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Blog Post

Food Relationships

Writer's picture: Deb HiltonDeb Hilton

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

I am passionate about this area, due to it's destructive nature and cost to so many lives.

For many people food has become a daily struggle.

BUT the good news is it doesn't have to be this way!

Any habit is uncomfortable to break, as our brains love to work in patterns, and will alert us that something is wrong when we do things differently.

This change starts in your head with a decision, you can choose!

Living a life where food is energy, for the purpose of fuelling our body and allowing us to function effectively, is a key message that I give to my clients.

Everyone has the resources within them to change their patterns of thought, regardless of how long that pattern has been running for.

There was a time when you didn’t think about food in the way you do now.

Maybe it’s been used as a coping mechanism or simply a habit that feels uncomfortable to change.

This method is not simply about losing weight, it’s a holistic approach to your relationship with food.

From an early age many of us had it drummed in that we had to have 3 meals a day with maybe snacks in between. Our brains therefore think something is wrong if we skip a meal, even if we’re not hungry, or we’ve had a big lunch that our digestive system is struggling with.

We still have dinner because we were told we needed 3 meals a day!

My aim is to work closely with you to realise that food is just a small part of our existence, it doesn’t relieve stress, it’s not entertainment, and it doesn’t serve us very well as a treat.

Pleasure can be found in so many other areas of our lives, but it’s possible these are being avoided or overlooked due to our relationship with food.

By changing a destructive relationship with food, you can open up your life to new experiences, function better, enjoy movement, sleep better, allow your body to work effectively, limit disease, and have more energy to name a few.

While our digestive system is overloaded it makes us feel tired and sluggish. This is a vicious cycle as it then draws us to a quick pick up, such as sugar or coffee. This then leaves us tired again as insulin spikes then sharply falls, and so the cycle begins again.

Find Freedom!

If you are wanting to make those changes, are committed, and are up for a challenge this course of treatment is for you!

I will work closely with you to find what patterns of thought and behaviour around food you are running.

I will then seek to interrupt that pattern so it can no longer run, giving you the freedom to move forward and enjoy life!

A few ideas to get you started..........

1. Aim to only eat, (even snacks) at the table without distractions such as phone, TV, computer etc. This allows you to be more aware of what and when you are eating.

2. Pay less attention to your body shape and size and more attention to your nutritional requirements. How much energy do you require for your everyday activities? This can take practice and we are all different in our requirements.

3. Focus more on everyday activities and and things you enjoy doing outside of food.

4. Life is all about balance and it doesn't mean you have to give up going out for lunch or dinner. Just balance this with your intake throughout the day.

Remember :

Too much intake can lead to some of the following; sluggish digestion, risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, feeling tired, insulin spikes and dips, discomfort, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, reflux.

Too little intake can lead to some of the following; low energy, poor brain health, hormone imbalance, low mood, poor cognitive ability, poor sleep, cardiac arrythmias, brain fog.

**I don't work with clinically diagnosed eating disorders due to the complexity of the issue**

**Please note: I do not give specific dietary advice. It is recommended to seek advice from a dietician/nutritionist/GP before starting a programme that will impact your weight**

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