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How to deal with Social Anxiety

Mind U

Social anxiety, is a type of anxiety disorder in which a person experiences intense fear and discomfort in social situations.

This can include fear of judgement or being srutinised by others, feeling embarrassed or humiliated, or feeling like they are being observed or evaluated in some way.

Social anxiety can be triggered by a variety of social situations, such as meeting new people, public speaking, going to parties or social events, eating in front of others, or using public bathrooms. People with social anxiety may avoid these situations altogether or endure them with intense distress.

Social anxiety can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life, affecting their ability to make friends, participate in social activities, or pursue career opportunities that involve public speaking or social interaction. Fortunately, social anxiety is treatable.

Here are 7 tips that may help in social situations.

1. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable it will get better over time.

2. Don’t sit in the known spaces step out into the unknown, take a chance. BUT take small steps. Try not to avoid difficult situations.

3. Your own thoughts are often your worst enemy. Externalise your focus when you are in a public space. Look at pictures on the wall, or objects around the room, or whatever takes you out of your own head.

4. Challenge negative thoughts ask if they are justified or realistic. Be mindful of which thoughts and feelings you are paying attention to.

5. Take a breath. Slowing down your speech will allow you to breathe properly and give you time to think about what you are saying. Your system will automatically calm if you are taking slow breaths.

6. Human beings are sociable! We thrive in communities, isolation can be harmful to our overall well-being.

7. Seek support. This can be from friends, family or a therapist, you don’t have to suffer alone.

In summary social anxiety is common, so you are not alone in this. It can present in many ways. It is important to take notice of your mental health because if left unchecked it can easily manifest into a more serious problem.

If you can learn to free your mind, you can enjoy life!

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